SA heaps good photographers #008 – Peter MacDonald

When I was a fresh-faced teenager taking annual camping trips to the Flinders Ranges, I used to delight in stopping off in Hawker to admire Peter’s work.

Peter’s use of light on the varied topography of the Flinders spoke to me in some way. He played no small part in me buying a camer. I wanted to express the same fondness of arid landscapes that Peter expresses through his work.

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On Taoism, and becoming a wise photographer with purpose

Taoism is an ancient Chinese philosophical tradition that has existed since the 5th century BCE.

It is a combination of spiritual healing, meditation and traditional Chinese medicine that attempts to answer some of our deepest existential questions.

Why are we here? What is our purpose? Taoist scribes found that these questions could begin to be answered by observing the natural world.

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SA Heaps good photographers #007 – Steph Ball

Steph is someone that I have had the pleasure of meeting in person several times. Her passion and knowledge of the southern Yorke Peninsula is unrivaled and is clearly reflected in her work.

Steph is about connection to place and becoming intimate with a landscape through repeated visits. Photography for photography’s sake, if you will, which is something we should all strive for.

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SA Heaps Good Photographers #006 – Blnt Pencil

If you know your South Australian photographers, then you surely know @blntpenciland his mesmerising nightscapes. He likes to capture what the naked eye cannot see with long night exposures.

This opens up a new world for people who are unfamiliar with night photography, or for those who prefer to be tucked up in bed!

I personally love the milky way shots over abandoned houses and the storm photos taken from the middle of the road, but there is surely something for everyone in blntpencil’s work.

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How to be a more creative photographer and enrich your life in the process

Creativity is, in some respects, intangible. It does not have a physical form. It cannot be distilled and sold in bottles. It cannot be summoned at will, and if it does happen to show its face, there is no guarantee that it will stick around.

Creativity is elusive and as such, is one of the pinnacles of photographic achievement.

Many photographers will ask after its whereabouts, and how it might fashion them a personal style, vision, or voice.

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The quest for creativity – Part 2 – You have to collect the dots before you can connect them

The year is 1976. New York City.

William Eggleston’s exhibition has just debuted at the Museum of Modern Art. Unfortunately, it hasn’t gone down well.

Eggleston’s photographs strongly resemble the color slides made by the man next door; and his show at the Modern was the most hated show of the year”, Hilton Kramer of the New York Times wrote.

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SA Heaps Good Photographers #005 – Justine Taylor

Through her prose and her photography, Justine articulates the beauty and grandeur of country SA so very well. In a past life I used to live in the Mid North, so I find her work tremendously comforting and nostalgic.

Similar to my previous guest, Mel McKinlay, Justine is all about documenting the moment in time. She also has an intuitive sense of composition, understanding that less is often more and that there is a certain elegance associated with minimalism and the use of negative space.

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The quest for creativity – Part 1 – Consuming, creating, and limiting beliefs

Everyone wants to be a better photographer.

And for every photographer that strives to be better, there are many more people willing to show them the way.

Portfolios, articles, tutorials, documentaries. You name it.

There is now enough photography-related content on the internet to sink several battleships.

And some of it is very good, too.

But is this embarrassment of riches a good thing for photographers?

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