SA heaps good photographers #015 – Samantha Lodge

Samantha Lodge is a nature-loving photographer who is a great example of a photographer knowing their local area intimately and importantly, showing up at sunrise and sunset to make the most of the conditions.

I especially love Samantha’s simple yet powerful telephoto compositions that are balanced and pleasing to the eye

Samantha uses her camera to capture coastal Adelaide and the way the coast varies according to the seasons, tides, and time of day.

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SA heaps good photographers #014 – James Fitzroy

As a fellow desert lover, James Fitzroy’s work is a pleasure to peruse. I get the sense that James knows the desert pretty well. He loves the Flinders Ranges, as many do, but he has his own consistent style and subject matter.

He is also a true wanderer, who keeps an open mind on location and doesn’t rush the process. The end result is that James captures the essence of what it means to be in the desert with grace, elegance, and originality.

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SA heaps good photographers #013 – David Dahlenburg

David Dahlenburg’s photography is striking, to say the least. His aerial work shows the perhaps unexpected beauty of human-altered landscapes and the majesty of natural forms. Often, the two are hard to tell apart.

Indeed, David’s images invite contemplation. This I believe is one of the hallmarks of great photography. The viewer is invited to think about what they are looking at and what the photographer might be trying to communicate.

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SA heaps good photographers #012 – Pamela Inverarity

Pamela Inverarity’s approach to photography is something we can all learn from. Her philosophy is very much focused on never losing your sense of awe and wonder and getting to know your local area intimately.

And, of course, this is reflected in Pamela’s work. Outback roads with outback fences, golden light dancing across desert hills and ancient mountains. Flowers blooming in seemingly desolate areas or majestic Eucalypts bathing in floodwaters.

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SA heaps good photographers #011 – Karen Waller

Karen Waller is a photographer who thinks about her images. Her portraiture work reflects a deep understanding of the human condition and that everyone has a story to tell.

Her landscapes depict the raw beauty of natural (and sometimes man-made) form – with compositions that are elegant but striking in their simplicity.

Karen also reminds us that a lot of work is undertaken before the shutter is pressed.

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SA heaps good photographers #010 – Troy Cannell

I get an immense amount of pleasure looking at Troy’s photography. He works with what the South Australian landscape gives him, creating clean, bordering on minimalist images with a certain nostalgia and plenty of negative space.

This is particularly true of Troy’s coastal scenes, often long exposures shot with beautiful pastels and textured water and skies. The notion of “less is more” is a great way to sum up his work I think.

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SA heaps good photographers #009 – Rosalie Dibben

Rosalie Dibben is a proud South Australian and not afraid to show it.

Her feed is undoubtedly rural and outback Australia. More brown than green, more silent than noisy. Rosalie captures the essence of rural life so very well and in her interview, demonstrates the benefits of loving your backyard and developing a sense of place.

Please check out more of Rosalie’s superb work on Instagram at @rjdibs.

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SA heaps good photographers #008 – Peter MacDonald

When I was a fresh-faced teenager taking annual camping trips to the Flinders Ranges, I used to delight in stopping off in Hawker to admire Peter’s work.

Peter’s use of light on the varied topography of the Flinders spoke to me in some way. He played no small part in me buying a camer. I wanted to express the same fondness of arid landscapes that Peter expresses through his work.

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SA Heaps good photographers #007 – Steph Ball

Steph is someone that I have had the pleasure of meeting in person several times. Her passion and knowledge of the southern Yorke Peninsula is unrivaled and is clearly reflected in her work.

Steph is about connection to place and becoming intimate with a landscape through repeated visits. Photography for photography’s sake, if you will, which is something we should all strive for.

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SA Heaps Good Photographers #006 – Blnt Pencil

If you know your South Australian photographers, then you surely know @blntpenciland his mesmerising nightscapes. He likes to capture what the naked eye cannot see with long night exposures.

This opens up a new world for people who are unfamiliar with night photography, or for those who prefer to be tucked up in bed!

I personally love the milky way shots over abandoned houses and the storm photos taken from the middle of the road, but there is surely something for everyone in blntpencil’s work.

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